Grubby carpets, be gone
Personally, I’m all about hardwood floors. They’re SO much easier to keep clean than carpets. But, unfortunately, my new rental is 80% carpet, which means I’ve had to really up my carpet cleaning skills.
The issue with a stained carpet is that it instantly puts a damper on the carefully curated aesthetic of your home. And don’t even get me started on a smelly carpet. Yuck. As a pet parent, I am a little too familiar with stains (and smells) that manage to stick to carpeted areas, so knowing how to clean the carpets in my rental — which are annoyingly light-colored — has become a serious priority.
When it comes to dealing with grubby and grimy carpets, it’s easy to assume that the only answer is to hire a professional carpet cleaning service to revive them, but that isn’t the case. I know firsthand that, with the right approach, it is possible to get your carpet looking like new again, quickly, easily, and with minimal effort.
In case you’re in the same boat as I am, I’ve rounded up a selection of all my favorite carpet cleaning hacks that actually work.
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